
ISfTeH Working Groups

The Telecardiology Working Group of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth welcomes every person who shares the common interest of eCardiology & eHealth (Cardiologists, IT scientists and eHealth companies).

Domain of action

The WG adresses all domains that concern cardiology and computer science such as: eCardiology/mobile applications for clinical use, artificial intelligence, patient-hospital or hospital-hospital communication, data analysis, algorythms in cardiovascular image processing, processing bio-signals.

Planned activities

  • Offer webinars focusing on the unique challenges of delivering healthcare to historically underserved African American, Caribbean and African communities, highlighted during the pandemic, and how digital health has been and can be used to close the healthcare gap.
  • Create a working group chat for ongoing engagement of members to share experiences, ask for advice and serve as a source of support.
  • Identify stakeholders in respective regions to address and eradicate barriers to adoption of telemedicine/digital health.
  • Identify sponsors and interested parties willing to collaborate on digital health initiatives to Improve access to high quality care for historically disadvantaged communities.

Our aims

Board of the WG


Head of Interventional Cardiology Department Centre Hospitalier Montlucon, France

Chair of the Telecardiology Working Group ISfTeH
(International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth)

Board Member CNCH
(Collège National des Cardiologues Hôpitaux)

Vice - Chair

Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg


Cardiologist and Internal Medicine Physician

Founding Member of AGM Telemedicina do Brasil

Former ISfTeH Board Member

Vice-Chair of the ISfTeH Telecardiology Working Group

Membership &
Joining the Working Group

Name of Medical speciality” for ex Cardiologists”, IT scientists and eHealth companies are welcomed as members of the WG.

If you would like to join the “Name of Medical speciality” Working Group, you need to send a short CV at the following email adress:

Once the WG Board has aproved your membership, you need to register as an ISfTeH member.

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If you are already a member, please

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Non Members

If you are not yet a member, please

Sign Up

Benefits of joining our WG

Boost your career

 Present your work at ISfTeH international meetings
• Take part in the WG
• Be an ambassador in your country
• Access to global digital health experts
• Host and plan a webinar on a global stage ( subject to approval)
• Potential to be highlighted on the global IsfTeH website

Share our mission

To be added by each WG

Build your professional network

• Make connections with international peers and leading experts
• Find international colleagues willing to join your research projects
• Networking opportunities for collaboration and partnership formation through IsfTeH; Sponsored and endorsed events

Keep up to date

• Access webinars, newsletters, position papers and scientific articles
• Discount on ISFTH offered digital health courses

Benefits of joining

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