Nurses and Midwives

ISfTeH Working Groups

The Nurses and Midwives Working Group of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth welcomes all nurses and midwives interested in extending their reach through technology to improve the quality of healthcare worldwide. As routine tasks are automated, more nursing and midwifery time can be used to assess patients and families and to provide education and emotional support.

Domain of action

Provide a forum for exchange of knowledge and experiences of nurses, midwives and others who are working with or supporting nurses and midwives using digital health technology. Nursing informatics is defined as an integration of nursing science, computer science and information science (American Nurses Association). Digital health nursing is the actuality of applying the information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice generated by nursing informatics processes and research in the care environment.

Planned activities

  • Upcoming webinar in Q4

Our aims

Board of the WG


Name Surname


Publications, reports,
webinars and more

Framework and Roadmap for Global Digital Health Workforce Development – Part I

March 2020: The ISfTeH Capacity Building Working Group publishes a “Framework and Roadmap for Global Digital Health Workforce Development – Part I”

ISfTeH Knowledge Paper on Capacity Building for Digital Health - A Global Perspective.

November 2020

Membership &
Joining the Working Group

 Our membership:

If you would like to join the HDDH Working Group and are already a member, please first log in and send a message expressing your interest to
If you are not yet a member, please apply for membership.

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If you are already a member, please

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Non Members

If you are not yet a member, please

Sign Up

Benefits of joining our WG

Boost your career

• Present your work at ISfTeH international meetings
• Take part in the WG
• Be an ambassador in your country
• Access grants
• Access to global digital health experts
• Host and plan a webinar on a global stage ( subject to approval)
Potential to be highlighted on the global IsfTeH website

Share our mission

• Increase awareness about improving healthcare access through digital health

Build your professional network

• Make connections with international peers and leading experts
• Find international colleagues willing to join your research projects
• Networking opportunities for collaboration and partnership formation through IsfTeH;
• Sponsored and endorsed events

Keep up to date

• Access webinars, newsletters, position papers and scientific articles
• Discount on ISFTH offered digital health courses

Benefits of joining

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