About us

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Digital health policy, practice and solutions are integrated into the mainstream of health systems around the world through collaboration with the Society.
Our mission is to contribute to the vision statement by facilitating the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in digital health, providing access to recognized experts in the field worldwide and fostering collaboration between stakeholders.

Philosophy and values

Board members


Dr. Michele Y. Griffith


Vice President

Dr. Pirkko Kouri



Dr. Neil Nerwich


Prof. Dr. Nelly Abulata


Dr. Osama Elhassan


Prof. Hassan Ghazal


Cherisse Mark


Dr. Alexandru Mischie


Dr. Vitalii Ostashko


Prof. Dr. Piotr Skarzynski


Lloyd Williams


Co-Opted Board Members

Eric Bacon


Prof. Rajendra Pratap Gupta


Keri (Dostie) Souza


Management Board


Prof. Yunkap Kwankam


Vice Executive Director & Secretariat

Frederic Lievens


Director, ISfTeH Education Program

Prof. Dr. Jefferson Fernandes


Coordinator, ISfTeH Student Membership

Prof. Dr. Simone Farah


Past Presidents

Dr. Steinar Pedersen

Norway (1997-2002)

Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich

Germany (2003-2011)

Dr. Andy Fischer

Switzerland (2012-2021)

Brief on the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)

The International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) is a federation of national professional telemedicine/eHealth societies, together with other institutional, corporate and individual members, representating digital stakeholders in 100 countries around the world.

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We welcome all digital health stakeholders to join our global network.