Education program

Education in Telemedicine and Digital Health worldwide.

The Education Program is a section of the ISfTeH created to foster education and training in Telemedicine and Digital Health worldwide, having a priority level in the Society’s activities.

Strategic Goals

Coordination and management of the overlapping education activities of all the Society's organs.

Working Groups

Working Groups (WGs) play an important role in information and knowledge sharing activities. The ISfTeH Education Program supports the independent educational actions of the WGs.

Foster key education and training projects in the telemedicine and digital health fields with proprietary activities, such as Flash Course Series and Webinars, and in partnership with institutions, organizations, and other players of the digital health ecosystem.

Cromford Health Partnership

Virtual Care (Telehealth) CE/CME collaborative and portfolio of courses/certificates, a partnership with Cromford Health, a Digital Health Research and Education Company.

Access the educational courses here:

Endorsement of Educational Programs.

It is a process in which organizations that wish to have their education/training courses or activities endorsed by the ISfTeH will be evaluated based on pre-established criteria.

This evaluation considers various aspects of the promoting organization/institution and the courses themselves (for example program content, faculty, etc.).

Once the course and the institution are approved, they receive a seal and endorsement certificate. A reassessment is carried out annually.


Prof. Dr. Jefferson G. Fernandes

Coordinator of ISfTeH Student Membership

Dr. Simone Farah

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